BREAKING NEWS. Bluebird K7 is coming home! Donald Campbell's Bluebird to return to Coniston on Saturday 9th March 2024.
BREAKING NEWS. The wait is finally over!
04 March 2024 Bluebird K7 to return to Coniston 9th March 2024.
THE WAIT IS OVER... It's going to be a fabulous event.
After 23 years of restoration Bluebird K7 will finally return to her purpose built wing opened in 2010 at The Ruskin Museum in Cumbria. Bluebird K7 will leave the lock up in North Shields where she has been stored for over two decades and make her way to the village of Coniston. Family and friends will finally unite 'skipper and boat'.
Bluebird K7 will eventually be on full public display with a collection of Donald Campbell artifacts.
Bluebird's homecoming journey details.
Timings at the moment are estimated as a lot will depend on the collection in North Shields but we anticipate we should be back in Coniston around 4pm after leaving North Shields between 11am and 12 noon. The route being taken is: A1058, joining the A167M to A69 A69 to M6 at Junction 43 Leaving M6 at Junction 36 A590 to Greenodd A5092 to Lowick Green A5084 to Torver A593 to Coniston.