Donald Malcolm Campbell CBE Remembrance Service in Coniston Village 4th January 2023

Donald Malcolm Campbell CBE Remembrance Service in Coniston Village 4th January 2023

Remembrance service of the late Donald Campbell's attempt to break the world water speed record of 300mph. 04/01/1967 in his jet powered Boat Bluebird K7.

12 January 2023 56th Commemorative service for Donald Campbell at Coniston 04/01/2023

Our national hero and speed king is once again remembered at his spiritual home of Coniston Water and Village.

Family and friends gather at the memorial site's of Donald Malcolm Campbell CBE on the 56th anniversery of his tragic accident.

On the morning of the 4th of January 1967 at 08:47 Donald Campbell set off from Pier Cottage on Coniston Water in an attempt to further his current world water speed record and push it to over 300mph. On Donald's first run down the lake he achived a speed in team terms of +47. The team using a base speed of 250mph this meant 297mph. Donald eagar to break through the 300mph barrier set off on his return run with recorded speeds of approximatly 328mph as Donald and Bluebird K7 entered the measured timing zone. Donald now only a few hundred yards from victory. Suddenly the nose of Bluebird K7 lifted out of the water which ultimately caused Donald to loose his life. Today his family and friends gathered to commemorate the life and achievements of our British hero and speed king!

A family compiled speech by Mr Brian Eastman.

Campbell Family Speech

© Copyright Anthony Stuchbury.

Images of the day's commemorative service.

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© All Images copyright Anthony Stuchbury

ITV-Border News Reel.

Latest News on BluebirdK7

© Copyright ITV/Border TV.

A few words from Gina.

Firstly I would like to apologise for not being able to attend my late fathers 56th memorial service. I’m deeply humbled that so many genuine people were there to represent myself and my family on what is for me a very emotional annual event. I’d like to thank everybody who attended both at the memorial site and at my father and his wife Tonia’s gravesite. I would especially like to thank Mr Anthony ‘Robbie’ Robinson my fathers original team member and close friend for his kind words. My partner Brian for his emotionally read family compiled speech, the trustees, members and supporters of the Ruskin Museum and The K7 Club. The overwhelming support from the residents of Coniston Village and everybody in attendance including those that couldn’t attend today’s ceremony but sent their personal messages of support from far and wide. I mustn’t forget my late fathers mascot Mr Whoppit who was there 56 years ago and never misses his dad’s remembrance service’s. My only regret is that my father’s record breaking craft Bluebird K7 wasn’t where she belongs in her spiritual home of Coniston. In my late fathers words ‘Skipper and boat should stay together’. Hopefully soon we can all gain in the long awaited closure and the start of new exciting beginnings. My father being a man of integrity and honour would have it no other way. Gina x

Donald remembered in music.

Sophia Dady's tribute song for Donald

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