Gina's over the moon with her new puppy.        Suzi 'Blue' Campbell.

Gina's over the moon with her new puppy. Suzi 'Blue' Campbell.

Gina Campbell's announcement of her new Daxi Puppy Suzi 'Blue' Campbell.

30 January 2023 Gina Campbell with new Daxi (Teckel Hound) Puppy.

Gina and Brian are besotted with their new addition to the family.

It's well known that Donald Campbell introduced and named the dog breed Labradoodle with his dog Maxi.

Today Gina & Brian introduce their new addition to the family.

Suzi 'Blue' Campbell, The Teckel Hound Puppy.

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"I'm lost for words, she's just perfect and we needed to share this special moment".

Gina x

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