Happy Birthday  Skipper, Dad, Granddad and The SPEED KING!

Happy Birthday Skipper, Dad, Granddad and The SPEED KING!

24 March 2023

Gina, Brian and Suzi Blue Campbell visit Donald's Graveside to wish him Many Happy Returns..

Gina, with partner Brian and little 'Miss Suzi Blue Campbell' visit 'The Skippers' graveside in Coniston Village.

Commemorating Donald Malcolm Campbell's One hundred and second birthday, Gina and Brian took their new Puppy Suzi Blue Campbell on her first visit to the village of Coniston and pay repescts to a British Hero born 23rd of March 1921.

Gina brian suzi

dmc peddle garage

DC smiles

A quote from Gina's Facebook.

Gina brian suzi fb quote

A further quote from Gina.

A huge thank you to all for today. There was a vitally important machine of great national importance missing today at Coniston. Short term it's out of my control, Long term K7 will be back where she belongs and I promise you that. Bluebird K7 and my father's achievements at her controls have nothing more to prove. Bluebird K7 will never be a traveling circus performing act. She was built to break high speed water records with my father at the helm and my father did just that!

Happy Birthday Dad. Gina xx

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