Wishing you all a Happy New Year. My Father's Remembrance Service 04/01/2024.

Wishing you all a Happy New Year. My Father's Remembrance Service 04/01/2024.

25 January 2024 Happy New Year 2024 and Father's Remembrance Service.

Happy New Year!

Gina and Brian 2023 xmas

Gina & Brian Christmas 2023

Hi all,

I dearly hope all my family, friends and all Bluebird enthusiasts around the world had a wonderful Christmas and New Year.

Thursday 4th January 2024 was the 56th remembrance anniversary of my Dad's tragic accident on Coniston Water while attempting to break the +300mph water speed barrier in 1967.

I would like to thank all that attended and sent well wishes, flowers etc. Appologies for the weather, it was truly a testing day for us all and not forgetting my dear K9 companion Suzi Blue!

I often think about what my Dad and his team must have gone through all those years ago. The frustration of the changing winter weather, waiting for the perfect water conditions and flat calm.

It was lovely to see everybody and meet up with good friends both old and new.

In 2023 The Ruskin Museum lauched The Bring Bluebird Home Go Fund Me Fund Raiser. It's nearly 23 years since the majority of Bluebird K7 was recovered from the lake and taken for restoration.

From the bottom of my heart I thank you all for your kind donations. It's so important we get my Father's boat K7 returned to Coniston as promised and placed in the museum system to protect her and for all future generations to be able to visit her both on display and occaionally on the water.

More on this later! Please follow the Link below if you would like to help and donate.


Hopefully the coming year will bring some exciting news so here's to 2024.

Gina x

A few images from the day..

DMC grave stone 2  20204

Dad & Tonia's Grave.

con2 20204

Friends say a few words and lay a wreath.

Con3 2024

Anthony (Robbie) Robinson (my dad's original 1967 team member) reads the day's service.
Mister Whoppit hides from the rain! He was in the cockpit with my dad during his accident and for obvious reasons he doesn't like water anymore.

gina hat grave 2 2024

Nothing wrong with my hat. It keeps my ears warm and keeps 'Suzi Blue' by my side. She can't wait to get her paws on it. :)

grave gathering 2024

Family and friends gather at the grave side.

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